Club de lectura on es llegeixen obres literàries en anglès i que es reuneix un dimecres al mes a les 18.30 conduït per la Sra. Kathleen Rohde
Club de lectura on es llegeixen obres literàries en anglès i que es reuneix un dimecres al mes a les 18.30 conduït per la Sra. Kathleen Rohde
Retired Professor of Lingustics Desmond Bates is going deaf. It's a bother for his wife who has an enviably successful new career and is too busy to be endlessly repeating herself. Roles are...
oung Pip Tyler doesn't know who she is. She knows that her real name is Purity, that she's saddled with $130,000 in student debt, that she's squatting with anarchists in Oakland, and that her...
Metaphor follows an A = B structure, where A and B are two disparate, unequal elements. The equation depends on its reader’s ability to find (or imagine where lacking?) a qualitypresent in both;...